Monday, July 11, 2005
Sunday, July 10, 2005
What is it?

Recently there have been rumours of a super-large building project not far from Rosh Ha'ayin, a growing city, sort of between Ariel and Petach Tikva.
Barry Chamish wrote that it's being built by an Arab contractor for the Americans, possibly to be used as a refugee camp, barracks, concentration camp, who knows? He also claimed that it's half the size of Tel Aviv. Obviously, even those who don't usually pay attention to him are concerned.
Many people have contacted me asking what I know. Honestly, I don't know anything, but I just received pictures and commentary from a very reliable source.
Here is what I discovered - no commentary. I detoured off Rd 444 (not
443) between Elad and Shoham and drove towards the Halamish Bet Aryeh.
About 2.5 KM I came upon the camp. The camp is right near the road (photo
#12) it's clearly visible to anyone using this particular road to and from the
Shomron as far as Bir Zeit and Ramalah. The sign at the turn off reads
Nachshonim (a near by kibbuts between Elad and Rosh Ha'ayin). I drove up
to the gate. There is indeed an American flag alongside two Israeli
flags. When stopped, I said to the guard that I thought this was a
shortcut to Nachshonim. He said that it was a base named Nachshonim but
there is no road to the kibbutz. He told me it was a construction site and
that I could not enter. I left and drove another KM or so on the
road. Just past the Machsom I turned left on to a dirt road which doesn't
ring the camp but seems to be the road along where the security fence is being
constructed. No doubt much of the road is being blasted out of the rock -
so is every other road in the area especially the roads that are associated with
the security fence.
I can't estimate how many people can fit into
the camp. I can't tell what its purpose will be. It appears to be
one of the several Yamachim - storage camps - going up around the
country. I'm told by different people doing miluim that this is not
unique. The size of the camp is far from half of Tel Aviv or 50sq
miles. In pictures 5 and 9 I think you can see the entire camp. In
picture #6 you can see how close it is to Elad and in picture #12 you can see
how close it is to the road.
In picture # 14 you can see the sign
listing the all the contractors. I don't know who ABB (?) Susa or
Sosa is perhaps his first name is Mustafa? but everyone in Israel is
no doubt familiar with A Aronson, a company that built many public
buildings. I wouldn't be surprised if there are Arab (Israeli? from
Yesha?) working on the project. That's a reality of construction in
Israel. What would it prove?